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Breast Augmentation

breast augmentation consultation

What is Breast Augmentation?

Women who are dissatisfied or self-conscious with the shape or size of their breasts often consider breast augmentation to enhance their curves and add the sensual fullness they desire. Breast augmentation involves the placement of synthetic implants into the breasts to create additional fullness, improve the shape and correct noticeable asymmetries. This surgical procedure offers a wide range of options to adapt to an individual woman’s proportions and aesthetic goals.

At Niche Plastic Surgery, our specialist plastic surgeons offer extensive experience in breast enhancement procedures and will take the time with each patient to ensure your surgical outcome meets your expectations. Many choices are involved in the breast augmentation process, from the size and type of the implant you select to where the implant will be placed, and the incisions used for the operation. It is imperative that you select a surgical team that is personally invested in your outcome to produce the best possible results for you.

Concerns Addressed through Breast Augmentation

While breast augmentation is primarily designed to increase the size and fullness of the breasts, other concerns can be addressed through this procedure as well:

  • Breasts that have lost their fullness after pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • Breasts that do not have the desired round shape or have lost it over time
  • Tuberous breasts that have an unnatural, elongated shape
  • Sagging to the breasts, often the result of pregnancy, breastfeeding or ageing
  • Breasts that are not symmetrical in size, shape or a combination of the two
  • The upper part of the breast does not provide the desired cleavage, known as lack of upper pole fullness

Our surgeons will discuss your specific concerns and goals to determine whether breast augmentation is the best approach for you. In some cases, a combination of breast augmentation with a lift will produce optimal results and can be performed during the same surgery.

Breast Augmentation Options

Breast augmentation is a highly individualised procedure that features a variety of options:

Implant Type

Both silicone and saline implants are available for our patients. Each has a soft silicone shell, filled with either sterile saline solution or a flexible silicone gel. Form stable implants are a different version of the silicone implant, featuring a filling that resembles the gummy bear candy regarding texture. These implants hold their shape even if they tear or rupture. All these implants boast their own set of benefits and potential drawbacks as well, so the choice of the implant will depend on a variety of different factors.

Implant Shape

Implants come in both round and anatomical (teardrop) shapes. Round implants offer more upper pole fullness, but teardrop implants sometimes provide more natural-looking results. The right shape for you will be based on the current size and shape of your breasts, the amount of tissue you have and the results you hope to achieve.

Implant Size and Profile

Implants come in a myriad of sizes that allow us to tailor your procedure to your unique body proportions. While the goal is to increase the size of the breasts overall, the right size for you will help you maintain a natural, beautiful look even as you obtain additional fullness. Implant profile refers to how the implant projects from the chest wall. The right profile also depends on different factors, such as chest width, the amount of natural breast tissue and the look you desire.

Incision Location

Incisions for breast augmentation are most frequently placed in the crease underneath the breast. However, your surgeon may also place your incisions around the pigmented skin surrounding the nipple, known as the areola.

Implant Placement

Implants may be placed above the chest muscle underneath the natural breast tissue (subglandular placement), or underneath a portion of the chest muscle (submuscular placement). Subglandular placement may be recommended if you have a substantial amount of breast tissue and are using silicone implants. Active women may also prefer this placement since it prevents distortion of the chest muscle during exercise. Submuscular placement tends to work better with saline implants and for women with limited breast tissue.

Procedure Basics

Our surgeons perform breast augmentation under general anaesthesia, at one of the accredited hospitals used by our surgical team at Niche Plastic Surgery. In some cases, this can be completed as a day case, but patients may also have the choice of an overnight stay in the hospital to be attended by attentive medical staff during the initial hours of their recovery process. You and your surgeon will discuss your choices at your consultation, so you know what to expect when you arrive at the hospital.

During the procedure, your surgeon will make the incision agreed upon before the surgery, taking care to place it in a location where visible scarring will be minimal. Through the incision, a pocket will be created for the implant, and the implant put into place. The entire operation usually takes a couple of hours to complete, and then you will rest comfortably in a recovery area for a few hours before heading home or to a private room for the night.

What to Expect During Your Recovery

In the days following your surgery, you can expect to feel a bit sore and swollen. We will prescribe pain medication to help you manage discomfort and you will be given instructions to minimise swelling and discomfort during the early part of the recovery process. A support garment is worn for the first couple of weeks while the breasts begin to heal. You will have follow-up appointments with our surgeons to ensure the recuperation process progresses without complications.

Most of our patients are back to their regular schedules within two weeks. However, exercise and other strenuous activity will be restricted for six to eight weeks to provide the breast ample time to heal fully. Swelling may persist for a few weeks before you see your final results.

Enjoy Long-Lasting Results

Breast augmentation is a single surgery that offers results that can last for many years. In fact, you can keep your implants as long as you like, provided you don’t experience any problems or complications with them. If you decide at some point in the future that you no longer want the implants, or you would like to change to a different type or size, revision surgery can be performed as well.

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your breasts, perhaps now is the time to take action. Contact Niche Plastic Surgery today on 9853 9705 to schedule your initial consultation and find out if breast implants are the right choice for you.